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Aegeon is a new science fiction magazine in the tradition of Weird Tales, Analog, and Heavy Metal. Issue #1 for May 2022 has arrived. 179 pages of thrilling original science fiction stories by Brendan Heard, Buffalo Jenkins, Jason Lupus, Fiach MacAodh, Miguel Asturias, and others.

Aegeon is a creative exploration of exciting and consciousness-expanding ideas, inspired by the classic period of the genre.

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Contributing authors & illustrators:

Author Bios

Brendan Heard:
Brendan Heard is the chief editor and creator of Aegeon as well as the (currently) most prolific contributor. He also does most of the art, though this will likely change (as well as more published contributors) as time progresses.

Dave Martel:
Fellow Pulp publisher and arcane Pennsylvania hoss.

AJ Bell:
A.J. Bell was born in Torrance, California. But he’s lived most of his life in Colorado, where he has every intention of dying one day. He spends an inordinate amount of time thinking about robots, drugs, trashy crime novels, and old movies. That is, when he’s not gallantly protecting his girlfriend from the cat. You can contact him at

R. A. Davis
R. A. Davis lives in an ancient, crumbling farmhouse somewhere in the middle-west of the US. He spends his days reading and eating fancy cheeses.”

Matthew Pungitore:
Matthew Pungitore: author of “The Tale of Marius the Avenging Imp”, The Report of Mr. Charles Aalmers and other stories; and “Belial Regnum Ignis Fatuus” (Aegeon 4). He has written articles and posts for Aureus Press blog, the Castalia House blog, and the DMR Books blog. His editorial “On Film and Modernity: Present Paradox and the Identity of Art,” was published in Aegeon Issue 5. His story “To a Dead Soul in Morbid Love” appears in Cirsova, Fall 2023.Matthew Pungitore’s books are available online at Amazon and BookBaby Bookshop.

Buffalo Jenkins:
Buffalo is a long time and lingering dabbler in fiction and non-fiction mental probings. He is painfully, even cripplingly private and obscure.

James Bratton:
Mr Bratton, like so many others, does not work in the field he is university-credentialled to. He hopes to make writing a full-time career but even if it remains a hobby he will never give up on it.

Mr. Bratton’s favorite writers are H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Clark Ashton Smith and Cormac McCarthy – his favourite book being Blood Meridian.

Rick Damer:
Rick is a seasoned man and a vernal writer living and thriving within the last remnants of civilization amongst the American wasteland.

André Foolhardy:
André has length (including tail) of about seven yards with a series of impressive ridges going down his spine. His scales are made of bronze and he can stick cutlery and metalware to his belly electromagnetically.

Luke O’Donnel: Reared on a solid diet of 80s action films and nourishing pints of Guinness, Luke O’Donnell’s brain has long been reduced to jelly. The writings attributed to him are in reality written by a staff of medical professionals who recorded the delirious ramblings of a haunted madman.

Earnest Ernie Broom: Ernie (pen name) is secretly on the staff of the New York Times, and contributes to ‘Mensa International’ literature as well as The Golden Dawn Society.

Brett Sinclair: RT columnist (before the war) and successful video game writer. Brett enjoys jet-skiing and sex.

Migeul Asturias: Miguel is comes from a Portuguese canal-boat gypsy clan famous for its blood feuds. He is extremely irritable and passionate.

Bruce Pendragon: Bruce is the ghost of another writer.

Alice Ilona Croft: Alice Croft is a housewife and shitposter on the internet. In her free time she enjoys horseback riding, opera, backcountry skiing, and literature.

FA Alba: South American ghost – author of random fragments and dystopian fictions for the study of future non-empathic intelligences.

EL Brooks: a mysterious figure

Fiach MacAodh: An Irish rebel and Belgian Eurocrat

Jason Lupus: A Canadian/South American Taoist revolutionary

Illustrator Bios:

Neocrius: Underground comics and pulp master. Neocrius’ twitter.

Mxiani: A European artist in the classical tradition with a modern twist:

Michael Gallo: Pulp technician extraordinaire:

AMH: AMH is a former homecomng queen and consort of Bruce Dickenson. She spent the last ten years in a Saudi harem where she honed her drawings skills before fleeing on a raft across the Red Sea to Alexandria where she now works in a library.

Artist of Albion: Esoteric tribalist Albionist working from the north wall of civilization.