- The Wicker Man (1973)
Film Analysis The film, popularly deemed as “pagan”, is, in fact, pagan, but that paganism…
- My Appearance on Infowars
- Making Art with Criminals
I worked in one of Italy’s most ancient male prisons When I arrived at San…
- Eudaimonia in a Mechanical Dark Age
All the days of November and December present great opportunities for pondering on gratitude, tolerance,…
- Baron Ungern’s Interrogation
Translated by Elevenfortyseven Notes on the text: Roman von Ungern-Sternberg, legendary Russian war-lord and mythical…
- To Hear in New and Old Symbols
To all adults interested in philosophy and/or magic, theistic or nontheistic, this article is for…
- Theosophy, UFOs, and New Agers
There is a well-known streak of ‘UFO culture’ found in the philosophy of the New…
- Aegeon Issue 6 OUT NOW
This product will make you feel emotions even deeper than pain. CLICK HERE TO GET…
- Mythological Thinking and the Coronation of King Charles
People of antiquity judged and interacted with the external world in a significantly different way…
- Evola’s Concept of Initiation
Julius Evola often refers to “initiation” in a majority of his works, but what exactly…
- On Sacrifice
At the onset of every epochal shift in the West, there has been a sacrifice…
- Julius Evola on Oswald Spengler
Spengler’s Decline of the West was at one point translated into Italian by Julius Evola…
- Nostalgia
Nostalgia is one of those feelings that corporations exploit to give you a sense of…
- Anamnesis
Thus far we have been meeting those who, on the evidence of thrust and resistance,…
- Aesthetics and Good Taste: Dandyism in Tophet
In the USA, I look around, and every so often I can’t tell who’s homeless…
- Consciousness is A Stream
In 2002, Jason Padgett, a bodybuilder, was brutally assaulted at a nightclub. After the incident,…
- What Does “Religion” Really Mean?
The Missing Link in Religious Studies The religions present in the world today, not to…
- Life, Art, and Transgression
A source of disgust and panic to many, to some a wellspring of deliverance and…
- Cinema is Over
Cinema. It’s over, just forget it. The virtuosity of the cinema – a vast and…
- How to Fix Art?
After a recent interview (with Gio) I got to thinking, once more – what was…
As a label for describing the current social reality, InfoWars is perhaps the most accurately…
- Thoughts on Italo Calvino’s The Complete Cosmicomics: an Italian Phantasm
Being an Italian-American aesthete, and a nontheistic neo-pagan, I feel it critically, spiritually important to…
- Deific Symbolism
Massive standalone forces in the world of nature and man require representation in godhood. This…
- Gemini Full Moon Thursday 8th December 2022, 04:08AM
Well, it’s certainly been a rollercoaster ride since the new moon. The past fortnight has…
- The Narrative Microbiome
With the new year, I began yet another reading of the Iliad, because I find…
- You’re the Ancestor Now
This piece is addressed to a perhaps rather niche crew, but it’s large enough to…
- Sagittarius New Moon Wednesday 23rd November 2022 10:57PM GMT
This new moon the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury are in Sagittarius, so there is…
- Parallax and Tempus
The perfect cybernetic system – the homeostatic loop governed by negative feedback – can properly…
- November Full Moon 8th November 2022 11:02 AM GMT
This full moon is a total lunar eclipse blood moon and will be the last…
- Terminator Future
Heideggers “The Question Concerning Technology” and The Terminator Enframing. In “The Question Concerning Technology,” Martin…
- The Sad Tale of the Slacker-Corporate War
Not long ago a generation of youth culture was becoming disenfranchised, and resistance to ‘the…
- October New Moon 25th October 2022 11.48 am GMT.
This is an interesting new moon as we have two quincuncxes making a saltire-type cross,…
- The Return of Becoming
Goethian life-image and the next Sturm und Drang movement As denizens of the postmodern West,…
- Late Capitalism
The term ‘Late Capitalism’ is a hopelessly optimistic lie told by deluded socialists to ease…
- McKenna’s Singularity
Terrence McKenna had many fascinating and insightful theories, and was certainly not just your average…
- October Full Moon Sunday 9th October 09:54 PM GMT 2022
The focus of this full moon, the famed Hunter’s Moon, is relationships and how we…
- Overcoding Culture
Cultural narratives, such as mythology and shared history, are the genetic code of a society….
- The Leftist Desire To Rewrite History
There is a common tendency among leftists (both hard left and soft) which can be…
‘In the near future electrons and light flow throughout the Universe’ If modernity (as theorised)…
- September New Moon – Sunday 25th September 2022. 10:52PM GMT.
This new moon has very similar energies to that of the Equinox reading, so it…
- Autumn Equinox Friday 23rd September 1:04 AM GMT
There is an old anonymous poem from approximately the 13th century about the coming of…
- The Abyss
Metaphysics of the Internet and virtual dynamism Much is discussed on the Internet as utility,…
- The Grail Myth is the True Soul of The West
“Yet my heart still strives towards the heights. I don’t know why it lives like…
- Biological Resonance
The concept of biological resonance is an essential part in the work of managing biological…
- September Full Moon – Saturday 10th September 10:59am GMT.
This full moon is our Harvest Moon. The Sun and Moon are opposite in the…
- Ursa Major and the Hero’s journey.
I wanted to expand upon a recent commentary that Jason Reza Jorjani made about The…
- Interview with Amanda Milius
Amanda very graciously gives me the inside scoop on her legendary father Joh Milius –…
- The Eigth Gate: The Storming of Heaven
In a tradition at least as old as the ‘Book of Coming Forth By Day’…
- August New Moon Saturday 27th August 2022, 09:17 AM.
The new moon in Virgo marks the time we have to take our eyes away…
- Pagan Inquiry vs Revelation vs Atheism
One thing I’ve noticed in the ‘religion war’, anecdotally, is the levels of ‘freedom of…
- Conan: A Review
Robert E. Howard’s Conan stories can be daunting to jump into, with over twenty completed…
- Fellini: La Fine di Roma
Fellini’s odyssey through a decadent, surrealist vision of Rome is one of the director’s greatest…
- Stoicism
The history, legacy, and relevance of the most Roman Greek Philosophy It is the reign…
- No-Self
“The left brain has created this illusion of self by noticing a pattern of categorical…
- Natural War
You are not meant to universally love or like every person (or type of person)…
- August Full Moon Friday 12th August 02:35 AM GMT
The full moon in Aquarius is always a potent time as both of the luminaries…
- Primer on the Reality of The Immaterial
This article is a relatively drawn out series of propositions intended to be a ‘from…
- The Greatest Unknown Cathedral
One of the greatest unknown churches is the Sainte-Cecile cathedral of Albi. The exterior, which…
- The Pretty Nothing
In the wake of the World Wars a youth culture evolved based on opposition to…
- Aegeon Issue Two
Aegeon 2 is available now on all Amazon markets. Buy it now and be cool….
- July New Moon Thursday 28th July 2022 6:54 PM GMT.
This New Moon is in Leo so it is a good time of year to…
- The Normie – Not Quite Human
The normies (or as I prefer: normals) exist by having more or less a complete…
- Pagan Futures: London June 25, 2022
The Pagan Futures event which took place June 25, 2022 in London was the first…
- Capricorn Full Moon Wednesday 13th July 2022
This full moon in Capricorn is a Supermoon and we will be in for an…
- When Socrates Met Parmenides
According to Plato, Socrates met the then aged and well-respected Parmenides (as well as his…
- Summer Solstice Tuesday 21st June 2022 10.31am GMT
Midsummer is here! It is time to celebrate the long days, the light and the…
- The role of Neoplatonism in Christianity
By StainedGlassZealot In this article I will explain the basics of Plotinian ontology and its…
- Values of the Temporary
In the miserable Western world of today the various expressions of ‘liberal democracy’ have become…
- Gemini New Moon Monday 30th May 12:30PM GMT
Communication and trade are going to be at the heart of the month ahead. Mercury,…
- Taurus New Moon Saturday, 30th April 2022 09:28PM GMT
This new moon bookends the Aries new moon on the 1st April and is THE…
- Will to Power to Will
On Nietzsche’s “will to power” we might better rewrite as “will to power to will”….
- My Review of The Northman
So, the Northman, in my opinion, is pretty good. Certainly it is watchable without being…
- Marketing to The Potato
I have a tremendous revulsion and loathing for anything related to ‘marketing’. I find marketing…
- We are Pagan and Christian at Once
It is my belief that history and the reality of the modern situation does not…
- Libra Full Moon Saturday 16th April 07:55 PM GMT
This full moon represents the Easter/Eoestre full moon and is the true day of this…
- Plastic Blood
I notice two things about the state of our civilization. There is a rabid and…
- Neptune and Jupiter conjunction in Pisces.
I wanted to write a short article on the upcoming Neptune/Jupiter conjunction in Pisces that…
- Aries New Moon Friday, 1st April 2022 07:24am GMT
This new moon is in Aries, marking the beginning of the next growing season of…
- The Life of Plotinus
Plotinus was a Greek Neoplatonist born and raised in Lycopolis, Egypt, in 205 AD. While…
- Spring Equinox reading Sunday 20th March 2022 3:33PM GMT
The Spring Equinox is here, and so is the beginning of new life and growth…
- Virgo Full Moon 18th March 2022 07:17 AM GMT
The full moon in Virgo represents a special time as it is usually the last…
- Pisces New Moon – 2nd March 2022 5:34PM GMT.
This New Moon there are two different energies existing. The first is a very strident…
- Leo Full Moon 16th February 2022, 4:56PM GMT
This full moon is in Leo and very fiery and feisty. It’s occurring in the…
- Aristocratic Creativity
“The purpose of knowledge is action, not knowledge.”Aristotle The contemporary world is the plaything of…
- Aquarius New Moon Tuesday 1st February 2022 05:46 AM GMT
This month the Moon begins afresh in Aquarius, sign of sudden shocks, changes and innovations….
- The Roman Family Clan
“I do not think that any unprejudiced man will deny that the Roman family is…
- January Full Moon – 17th January 2022 11:48PM GMT
This is the first full moon of 2022 and it’s in its home sign of…
- The Fate of Atlantis According to Solon
“Plato, ambitious to elaborate and adorn the subject of the lost Atlantis, as if it…
- January New Moon – 2nd January 2022 6.33PM GMT
Happy New Year! This new moon marks the energetic start of 2022. It is in…
- Santa’s Holy War
Merry Christmas and Happy Yule to all our readers past, present and future! As we…
- Winter Solstice 2021 – 21st December 2021 15:59 GMT.
This Winter Solstice is absolutely action-packed astrologically. The Moon is the planet to watch this…
- The Office Psycho
I have a theory that large number of corporate people are psychopaths. It is not…
- Mad Monks and Holy Kingdoms.
“You see man as a rather dismal creature.” “Yes. Why not? Look around…you’ll see what’s…
- Freikörperkultur and Classical Nudity
While I do not believe in contemporary ‘nudism’, I have a certain belief in Freikörperkultur,…
- December New Moon Saturday 4th December 2021 07:49 AM GMT
This new moon is in the happy and carefree sign of Sagittarius and takes place…
- A Kingdom of Sages
None can be free who is a slave to and ruled by his passions. –…
- The Architecture of Eros
What We’re Really Doing When We Desire Let us begin very specifically and concretely: Imagine…
- The Big Buckle Ritual
Country songs were once about a mythical place in the forest where young rural people…
- Two Hard Truths, One Good and One Bad
“Man has gone out to explore other worlds and other civilizations without having explored his…
- Taurus Full Moon Friday 19th November 08:57 AM GMT
This Full Moon is a lunar eclipse, partial blood moon and the longest one we…