The Normie – Not Quite Human
The normies (or as I prefer: normals) exist by having more or less a complete separation between what they ‘do’...
The normies (or as I prefer: normals) exist by having more or less a complete separation between what they ‘do’...
The Pagan Futures event which took place June 25, 2022 in London was the first of its kind. As well...
According to Plato, Socrates met the then aged and well-respected Parmenides (as well as his student Zeno) when the older...
By StainedGlassZealotIn this article I will explain the basics of Plotinian ontology and its differences with Christianity. This essay assumes...
In the miserable Western world of today the various expressions of ‘liberal democracy’ have become so ingrained in our lives...
On Nietzsche’s “will to power” we might better rewrite as “will to power to will”. The accumulation of power can...
I have a tremendous revulsion and loathing for anything related to 'marketing'. I find marketing and branding experts to be...
It is my belief that history and the reality of the modern situation does not permit any Westerner to be...
Plotinus was a Greek Neoplatonist born and raised in Lycopolis, Egypt, in 205 AD. While he grew up in a...
"I do not think that any unprejudiced man will deny that the Roman family is one of the most glorious...