Gemini Full Moon Thursday 8th December 2022, 04:08AM

Well, it’s certainly been a rollercoaster ride since the new moon. The past fortnight has seen some exciting drama play out in the Twitterverse, with Elon Musk making a series of reveals about how the US government colluded with Silicon Valley to suppress certain stories. With the full moon firmly in Gemini, the sign of communication and media, conjunct Mars, the god of war, this issue shows no signs of abating. Mars in Gemini means we can expect a war in the media with lots of fighting talk. The Sun in opposition to these planets, shining a light on deeds past (the Moon rules the past), which means we can expect these types of revelations to continue and for a lot of chatter and discussion to be generated until the next New Moon.

The Sagittarian light of truth has come to shine on the world of media, and we can also expect more scrutiny into how the MSM operates, so how they deceive and obfuscate will become increasingly obvious over the next couple of weeks. The Sun makes a quincuncx, usually a difficult, fluctuating style aspect, to Uranus conjunct the North Node in Taurus, suggesting that some shocking or surprising stuff will come out, but as the month continues this will ease to a certain extent, once the Sun moves into Capricorn, and then the attention will be turned on institutions – which for those of us in the UK will just be in time for the Harry and Meghan documentary fall-out/release of Harry’s book, so we can expect some turbulent times for the British Royal Family.

The Sun also makes a supportive trine to Chiron in Aries, so whatever comes out over the next few weeks, many people will take it in good stead and be able to handle any of these shocks. So much awareness has built up as to the corruption in many of our institutions that any ‘new information’ will not be shocking to many.

Venus is in late Sagittarius conjunct Mercury in early Capricorn. They make a square to Neptune conjunct Jupiter in Pisces. This signifies the people who are blocked in terms of their ideals and the reality of a situation. There will also be a lot of people in denial about what is going on, wanting to keep their head in the Piscean ideal clouds of fantasy and glamour rather than facing the truth (Sagittarius) and reality (Capricorn) of what is really occurring. Neptune and Jupiter also make a wide T-square between the Sun and the Moon, so the message this month is to get real, get practical and keep up to date with the fast-moving developments signified by Mercury and the Moon/Mars in Gemini.

Saturn has a very interesting aspect this full moon as it occupies the ease of opposition placement for the Sun, Moon and Mars. Cultivating a different way of living, of making money, of educating your children etc are signalled by Saturn in Aquarius, which represents the rejuvenation of how we build our lives. Pulling your individual energy out of the fear generated by the corruption coming to light is recommended. Putting our energies into new ways of being will mitigate any feelings of powerlessness. For those reading this, such an idea won’t be difficult, but it’s worth remembering that for many the revelations of the widescale corruption and rottenness of our institutions is very shocking and even frightening for some, as they begin to realise just how bad things are at last (it’s worth pointing out that many will still prefer to keep their heads in the sand). However, Pluto is in Capricorn and is sextile Jupiter and Neptune, so those trying to switch off are going to get jolted awake whether they like it or not, and probably due to tension over finances.

This rising tide of awareness is also indicated by the Moon and Mars sextile Chiron. Awareness is coming for more people, and although this is a good thing, it will be scary. It will take a while for this awareness to manifest as Chiron, Uranus and Mars are retrograde at present and have been since the summer. They start to go direct between late March and into April, we can expect to see more people get vocal. This will coincide with Jupiter finally moving into Aries and a new 12 year long growth cycle finally beginning. So, it will be interesting to say the least, what seeds will sprout next spring.

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